Monday, May 10, 2010

Today whatever we studied in school seems to be blur, can't remember what we studying. Give Dan his birthday present which is the first book of the Ranger's Apprentice.On the way back , I was called by Dan's father as they are having a small party.After that played some game in Play Station then went home. Doing add maths homework while watching the uber cup, Malaysia won-Malaysia Boleh. Finished my work and chores, on the verge of sleeping now.What a boring day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sura a SUPERB movie!

Woke up very late today about 11:30 ,guess still tired from the trip.I went to Midvalley. There I saw our chemistry teacher, Pn.Loh and my old friends that is Kristen,Tan Yong Sern and Adam. Bought a ticket to watch Sura -Vijay The Illayathalapathy 50th movie presented by Kalanithi Maran at 2:30pm. The movie lasted for 2hours 45 minutes but is not boring at all. It is full with action, suspense and comedy. Vadivelu and Vijay make a good comedy team-up, Vijay followed more to MGR's style which he modified and it fits him perfectly. Everything was superb the story plot, the song and most importantly Vijay's dance movement, its totally awesome. This is a must watch movie for Vijay fans and all Tamil movie fans.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gift and Sura

Today was a really tiring day.returned from penang at 10.30 then directly went to library. There pick up few books and cds. Reached home about 12.30, slept for a while. Then went to tuition, finished at 6.30. Reached home and watch a movie. Tommorow planning to watch SURA , must buy present for Tilak and daniel tommorow(dunno wat to buy), so confusing. Buying a gift for tth last time took me really long, about 1 hour.

Friday, May 7, 2010

BI and BM didn't study much.Agama didn't study at all. All the teachers and the students are stressed (me included). D idn't help in BSMM as they are already way too many people. I had teach how to do the baloon experiment to Nara and Tilak, it took them several try to get it right. I so wanna go but I can't. Well went to tuition two hours late(missed BI and MATHS)
Bought a new shoe. hope it last.
Need to think of what to buy for Tilak and Daniel's Birthday this sunday.
Also watching Sura this sunday.Nothing much other than that.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Try to continue

School is getting more and more troublesome.Homework , projects , cocuriculum , and tuition is causing me to have a big headache , well need to put up with this only for 7 months only then FREEDOM! Today didn't study much.Chemistry only revision,Add Math revision, Agama revision.Then Physic not in class , painting the Bilik Kesihatan(troublesome work) then lepak in class for Modern Maths.How sweet life is, if only everyday it is like this.Tilak refused to stay back as it is his birthday, Nara absent. At last I, Kritz and Daniel are the only one cleaning the room.Just hope no more painting or cleaning for tommorow and rest of my school life.

Japanese Saying

One kind word warms three winter

Prophet Mohammad

Those who are being kind to the creatures of god is being kind to himself.